I'm slowly giving up on the BBS. It's a waste of time, trying to be funny, to have some kind of online social life. Nobody cares. General is retarded with all the shit topics and unfunny cunts who need to lurk moar; why can't we have decent topics about philosophy or something? it always has to be about sex, video games or problems with girls. When I stop to think about it, those 3 things are relevant to 13 year olds. But why are they even here? on the BBS? on Newgrounds at all? The threads they make... the mods are doing a fine job, but sometimes I wish they'd lock or delete a few more threads.
Why are 15 year olds and below attracted to Flash? I mean, don't they have better things to do? hang out with friends? study? play some fucking Halo 3? No, instead they like to make shit Flash and write an author comment saying "PLZ DONT BALM - PLZ READ B4 VOTNIG", in vain hopes that they will be able to showcase their fucking pile of elephant diarrhea. No, instead they like to come here and force their dumbassery down our eyes through the appalingly inane posts they shit out.
If I had one thing to say to people who want to start animating, it would be to watch existing animations. Lots of them. To learn Flash, or anything, you need to lurk moar (I don't hate 4chan, I don't love it either). You need to analyze movement, art style, and you also need to experiment and practice.
Making Flash when bored.
Making "random" Flash.
Making FBF animations of lines and dots and shit.
Making anime rip-offs in terms of visual aspect and/or story.
Making shit-looking tutorials when you are nothing but a script kiddy.
I don't feel like writing anymore. I'll just save this post now.
Exactly why I left the BBS a while back.
Also, I was Platinum if you remember me at all.
You changed username? I didn't know.
Nowadays I just lurk. It's boring.